Why I don't offer signals.

Why I don't offer signals.
Photo by Nirmal Rajendharkumar / Unsplash

Here's the thing, if you blindly copy trades, I have no way of ensuring that you manage your risk. I've seen it many times where people copy without knowing the odds, they think most trades will win but the reality is professional traders lose, a lot.

If you YOLO your entire account on every trade, then it doesn't matter how good the signals are. You will end up blowing your account. If not right away, eventually there will be a losing streak.

Trading is not a job. It's not a skill where the best traders constantly print money because everyone is at the mercy of odds and variance. It doesn't matter how skilled you are, there is an upper limit to what can be done. No one will have a 100% Win Rate, consistently over time, with like 1:5 RR. Yeah, you could get lucky and do it for a month but it's not happening for your entire trading career.

I don't really care to have people lose money on my watch. Will some people lose even with my advice? Yeah, it's inevitable. But I'd prefer not to have people going in blind, tossing in their last few bucks on a hope and dream. I'm not a gambler, I'm a trader, and most people who want signals end up gambling. I can't get behind that.