Time Frame & Reminders
I tend to swing trade and look for big buys that can pay well over a short period but I always get stuck on knowing when I should close the sell and when I should wait it out. What are some strategies that work for ya?
Currently shorting EUR/USD - will likely close before the end of the market today but curious if anyone has a solid strategy or what I can learn to improve max profits.
I guess I got to first ask you, how are you looking for "big buys that pay well over a short period"? At the end of the day, you can only take what the market gives and looking at a historical candlestick chart isn't going to make you find "big buys" with max profits.
So, are you looking at fundamental news? Are you listening to a Squawk Box and taking news trades? Because if you're just looking at a historical chart, drawing some lines on it, then you're fooling yourself.
For how to increase max profits, it's simple. First you become profitable, then you