Just a month of consistency and can’t help daydreaming already.

Just a month of consistency and can’t help daydreaming already.
Photo by Johannes Plenio / Unsplash
One year into trading and slowly getting consistent. Survived max drawdown 40% and now up 40%. Learned my lesson (hopefully) and was able to keep my drawdown not more than 3% for a month. This weekend, cant stop thinking what I will be doing if I am able to keep this up. Dreaming of buying a house, having more time with the family, etc. Planning to go full time if Im profitable for two consecutive years. I hope this don’t trip my psyche up.
I enjoy reading people’s testimonies about how they made it in trading. Makes me think there is hope. Which is why Im sharing this now. I thought Ill share my journey as well as proof that there is also someone like you who is struggling to learn trading but is still ploughing through. Im about to buy a prop firm account next week for more leverage. Undecided whether to go with the cheaper 100k 5%er bootcamp, or the 100k FTMO. Here’s the grand plan: I’ll use the profit from my live account to get a prop account, then keep feeding the profit from the prop account into my live account. And poof! Winner. If only everything is as easy as it sounds. Anyway, Thank you for reading.
Good luck to all of us. Have a good weekend

Daydreaming is fine, we've all done it, but keep it realistic.

It's a lot easier to snowball something realistic. Say goal 1 is a nice dinner for the family, goal 2 is a weekend in Vegas, goal 3 is a sports car, goal 4 is downpayment on a small home, goal 5 is pay that off so you have protection if anything goes wrong; I was able to keep living with my parents when I started trading at 19 so I could combine 4 & 5 and bought my first home with cash avoiding the interest associated with a mortgage.

At that point I could, effectively, do no wrong. I can take all the risks in the world because no matter what happens I own that first home and can always go back. The risks I can take knowing nothing can go wrong is absolutely insane.