I don't understand this, Is my math wrong or what?

I don't understand this, Is my math wrong or what?
Photo by Saad Ahmad / Unsplash
So I recently saw a post on how someone past their funded account. The issue was the person said they used 0.5% risk to pass the challenge because 1% risk kept on making them lose thier acc. My question is if I on average take 8-9 trades in a month and I know atheist 7 are Ws and I risk 1% surely I won't blow the account right ?
The only logical reason I think people losing thier account even risking 1% is because they take on average 10 trades a day.

Let's say you take 10 trades and 7 win per month just to keep it easy. That gives you a 70% win rate. Now a 70% win rate does NOT mean that you're going to win 7 out of 10 trades. It means you have a 70% chance of success for any individual trade. You can still have a losing streak of 5+ in a row with a 70% win rate.

Odds are individual. Ex: Say you take ten trades, one guy has