Freedom is different than financial freedom.

Freedom is different than financial freedom.
Photo by Harley-Davidson / Unsplash

I hope I can help a few people shorten their journey, but I can't eliminate it.

Freedom is not answering to anyone. It is joining the rarest club on earth, far below the 1% because even the rich billionaires have to answer to someone.

Financial freedom, most often than not, means you still answer to someone. You got to answer to your board of directors, your shareholders, etc. because you actually need the job you have in order to keep the stuff you have. I don't consider it freedom when the bank can come along and take your stuff.

My goal was actually never riches, it was not having to answer to anyone. It was freedom, not financial freedom. This means that often times, if I was willing to get into debt (or answer to someone other than myself), I could have done things quicker. But I didn't want to answer to anyone like a bank, or a boss. I wanted to ensure that no matter what; I wouldn't need a job, and I wouldn't be forced to answer the phone if someone calls.

My current living expenses are actually negative. I can make zero dollars trading, and the lack of bills plus passive income means I'll still survive. I own my home, cars, etc. outright, there's solar panels that provide enough excess power to cover all my bills and basic living expenses. I can legitimately do nothing if I wanted.

The benefit of avoiding debt at basically all costs, means now I can take the risks. I can take risks that other people can only dream of because no matter what happens the worst place I can be is where I am right now. I can't get bumped down. I can't lose my job, then lose my house, then lose my wife. About the only things I have to do is A) Don't break the law and B) Pay my taxes so the IRS doesn't take my home and auction it off.

That's what I wanted. Freedom. And it's what I believe most traders should actually be after. If you want financial freedom, go start a business.